
I would like to welcome you to my personal blog. This is simply life through my eyes. The good times and the bad. Lifes triumphs and downfalls. I have no intention of offending anyone but if that happens there is not much I can do about it. I do not appologize for anything that others might not agree with for this is "How I See It". I hope you enjoy sharing my life and check in regularly.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Fog Has Lifted

These days I see life through a fine crystal, clear and sharp, no foggy haze of my youth to cloud my judgements and perceptions of the world around me. And though the fog has lifted many of my ideals and beliefs remain the same.
I always have, and always will, believe that a man should work for what he has. A man should provide for himself and his family, and be a productive member of society. Granted there are people who really can not function due to severe physical or mental limitations, but for the most part men are capable of being the provider, or at least sharing that responsibility.
We now live in a society where men are more than willing to sit on there butts and make up excuses for why they are not working. The disability factor has risen drastically in the past 15 years, and a big percentage of it is a farse, yet they are allowed to get away with it. Why is it that the working man, and woman, often have to struggle to survive and have little more than, and sometimes not all of, the necessities of life. Meanwhile Joe slacker is sitting on his couch or in his deer blind, laughing at us supporting him.
I am very close to a certain individual who works in a grocery store and has for 6 years. that person has seen the same individuals come in year after year with their bridge card (food stamps) in hand. Purchase their food, which I am paying for, then make a call on their cell phone and jump in their car to head back to their house that we are paying for. They have heat because I work for a living. They have electric because I work for a living. And now they are passing it on from generation to generation.
At one point in my life I was in a desperate situation and needed some temporary assistance. While sitting in the social services (dss) office, embarrassed to be there,a young man comes in with his forms. Not being able to prevent myself from eaves dropping I listened in as the lady at the counter asked him several questions. He was 18. He was getting cash assistance. He was getting food assistance. He was living with his older brother and he was also getting assistance. He stumbled over one of the question so he went to the car and brought in his mom. She was also getting assistance and was driving a very nice suv.
Now maybe there was some reason he could not work. Maybe I was to quick to judge. But really.
I know jobs can be difficult to find right now, but they can be found.
My 19 year old joined the Marines to guarantee himself work. There are very few men in this country that would be turned down by any of the armed services.
My 21 year old son has 2 jobs. Has worked a good part of his young adult life and is currently supporting his girlfriend and their 2 children, along with his girlfriends mom, (we will not go into that). He had some legal problems as a teenager and young adult and spent a little time in jail. Nothing major just stupid mistakes. He has tattoos all over his body, and yet he is able to get 2 jobs and be a productive member of society.
Something just is not right and it really burns me up.

1 comment:

  1. Very well put Frank. I understand how you feel and agree with almost all of your points. The only thing I question is when you said it is now becoming a generational thing. My belief is that it has been a generational thing for many families. I think it is just becoming more prevalent these days and therefore more noticable. It will be interesting to see what others have to say and not just just you, your family, and friends as you put it in your fun fish pictures! :) Kelly
