
I would like to welcome you to my personal blog. This is simply life through my eyes. The good times and the bad. Lifes triumphs and downfalls. I have no intention of offending anyone but if that happens there is not much I can do about it. I do not appologize for anything that others might not agree with for this is "How I See It". I hope you enjoy sharing my life and check in regularly.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So I am driving to work today, loving the peace and serenity of the 15 miles of farmland and the 30 miles of forest which line the road to work. The 2 hen wild turkeys and their batch of 6 young were right where I see them almost every day. A big 8 point buck was once again waiting to cross the road at what must be his favorite crosswalk. I have now seen this magnificent buck 4 times in the last month. 2 Turkey buzzards spring to the air and lite in a nearby jackpine tree as I spooked them off the porcupine carcass they were dining on. The green of the forest is a welcome sight every morning, full of life and inspiration.
And then the window on the drivers side of the car in front of me reveals a hand sticking out. Suddenly, as if with no concern at all, a stinking white, still smoking, cigarette butt is flicked from the fingers of the driver and onto the pavement. Not more than 1/2 mile down the road another cigarette butt is thrown out of the passengers window. No regard for possible fires. What about the young wildlife that does not know any better and chooses to try that carcenogenic little morsel for breakfast. What about the fact that the tar filled, paper wrapped, fiber packed death capsule will lay along side the road for years so that we can all enjoy it. I do not care if people smoke, but I know for a fact that cars have ashtrays in them. If your cigarette butts are to nasty to put in your car ashtray, what makes you think we want them thrown whereever you feel like dropping them when you are done.
Here is a great idea. How about if I come by and throw my trash in your yard?

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