
I would like to welcome you to my personal blog. This is simply life through my eyes. The good times and the bad. Lifes triumphs and downfalls. I have no intention of offending anyone but if that happens there is not much I can do about it. I do not appologize for anything that others might not agree with for this is "How I See It". I hope you enjoy sharing my life and check in regularly.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Should Be Packing, I'm Going Fishing

That kayak of mine has not been in the water in a month and I think it is about time to do something about it. Tomorrow is supposed to be a wonderful day as far as the weather is concerned. Low 80s, mostly cloudy, very low wind, a perfect day for fishing, and I think my kayak has been very lonely just sitting there, upside down, in my lawn for the past month. I is just not right to keep something from the water for so long that was meant to be in the water. I almost feel bad for my kayak. Sure, I know we are moving into a new home in a couple weeks and I should really spend tomorrow packing some things, but why would I prepare ahead this time. It seems like every other time we moved we waited until the last minute to actually get things packed and cleaned so why change that now. I'm sure if my kayak could read it would be so happy.

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