
I would like to welcome you to my personal blog. This is simply life through my eyes. The good times and the bad. Lifes triumphs and downfalls. I have no intention of offending anyone but if that happens there is not much I can do about it. I do not appologize for anything that others might not agree with for this is "How I See It". I hope you enjoy sharing my life and check in regularly.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Relax Dude!

So if you pull up behind me in the straight or right turn lane,next to the left turn only lane, and the right turn arrow turns green but I do not move, maybe you should check to see if I have my right turn blinker on before you honk your horn and start shaking your fist at me.
It was not like I was going to go straight and there was not a green light to go straight.
You know I was just sitting there to annoy you.
Did that 10 seconds you had to wait for me to go straight once the main light turned green cost you your job?
Were you late for an important meeting?
Did you really have to go to the bathroom?
Leave a minute earlier just incase you run into someone like me who actually pays attention when they are driving. Lay off the coffee and chill a bit.

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