
I would like to welcome you to my personal blog. This is simply life through my eyes. The good times and the bad. Lifes triumphs and downfalls. I have no intention of offending anyone but if that happens there is not much I can do about it. I do not appologize for anything that others might not agree with for this is "How I See It". I hope you enjoy sharing my life and check in regularly.

Monday, August 23, 2010

What was I doing yesterday that I did not have time to post a blog?
Worked 4 hours and was not all that busy at work.
Work is the only place that I have internet accessability.
Tweeted a bit.
Checked facebook.
I think I posted on Studio 30+.
Closed 3 deals at work for a total of about 1 hour of work.
Worked a bit on companies website, (a little bit).
Spent about an hour at work cleaning up and finishing stuff that co-worker should have done.
Had lunch, a whole 15 minutes of my day.
Checked inventory, another 15 minutes.
Posted a few photos of my drawings on Studio 30+.
Went home, watched a movie, bed early.
What a wonderful day it was.

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